Thursday, 20 September 2012


In lesson today we produced a Phenakistoscope, by doing this we all got a papper plate drew a line through the middle then drew 3 more lines cutting the plate into 8 triangles then created a image from beggining to end e.g a balloon floating, a man running or a someone punching someone. Then cutting a slice on the edge of the plate to be able to look through, then getting a pin putting it through the centre of the plate and attacting it to a pencil at the back, going to a mirror closing one eye and looking through the slices to see the balloon rising. Joseph Phateau.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


The inventor of the thaumtrope was Dr John A Paris from London, his nationality is English. The Thaumatrope was created in 1825. The Thaumatrope works by having a small disc with a background image e.g. a bowl and a foreground image of a fish. With a piece of string through the middle so when twisted the fish looks like its in the bowl.

Hello World!

This is my first entry for the 2D amination production the blog will be used weekly to update my progress.